
Detail of Electronic Procedures

For the exclusive NOTICE procedures of the secretariat of state for trade

Owing to recent changes in the ministerial structure, procedures of the secretariat of state for trade are available in the electronic site economics, trade and enterprise.

You can access them in the following link:https :// sede.mineco.gob.es/en/procedimientos-y-servicios-electronicos/areas-tematicas/trade? page = 5.

Before any technical problem, with its mandate, has to address the following contact:caucaso@economia.gob.es.


Procedure for the certification of companies

Access Mode
Open access
Management Centre
State Secretariat for Industry - E04934403
Directorate General
Overall Direccion industry and small and medium enterprises
Management unit
S. G. support for smes


Act no. 28/2002 of 21 december capacity-building, the ecosystem of the start-ups (BOE 22/12/2022) and ministerial order, which regulates the certification procedure for startups and benefits associated with the same

Order PCM/825/2023, of 20 july, regulating the criteria and procedure for certification of start-ups to access the benefits and well-known specialities in the law 28/2022, of 21 december, to promote ecosystem of the emerging enterprises

Additional information

Additional information concerning the procedure (access with username and password via the web portal of Enisa:

Enisa Portal

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 3014392
Certification of Start-Ups (STARTUPS)

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